Install solar panels in summer

Time: June 28, 2022

One of the most frequently asked questions by people interested in solar panels is at what time of the year is it more profitable to install a photovoltaic module for self-consumption. In reality, these types of installations pay for themselves over time. Any time is a good time to invest in it. However, the summer season, with its long hours of sunshine, is an ideal time to get down to business.

Why is summer a good time to install solar panels?

The installation of solar panels is a process that requires a preliminary study to be able to assess the viability of the project and decide which type of installation is the most appropriate in each case. This involves analyzing factors as variable as the consumption habits of the family in the different seasons of the year. Also the type of roof, the location of the house, the savings objectives with solar panel or the available budget, among others.

Solar panels not only work in summer

As we know, sunny days are the best for photovoltaic production. However, it is important to emphasize that they are not essential for solar panels to continue producing energy. Moreover, many days in a row with intense sun at high temperatures is not considered one of the best conditions for these facilities. Contrary to what one might think a priori, intense and constant radiation for many days does not improve its performance. Solar systems are designed to adapt to climate changes.

solar panel cells can also work even on cloudy days, even though the sun is not directly hitting the panels with its rays. In reality, solar panels could be charged with any type of light, even artificial, since their operation is based on attracting certain wavelengths, regardless of their origin, including those that are filtered through clouds. Therefore, on cloudy winter days a photovoltaic module can continue to produce energy for consumption.

Performance of solar panels in other seasons

The performance of solar panels in winter, or in rainy seasons, is obviously lower than what they offer during summer and autumn. However, they will continue to produce a more than interesting amount of energy to reduce the electricity bill. At the same time, contribute to sustainable and responsible energy consumption. The approximate reduction in yield is 25% compared to the rest of the year.

As for rain, which is also usually a frequent concern, the photovoltaic installations are perfectly created with the most modern technology and the panels are completely hermetic, so the system is protected against inclement weather, being resistant even to snowfall.

As we saw before, climatic variation is even better than solar stability for the performance of solar panels, which is why autumn is the optimal season when it comes to productivity.

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